Paper Shape (1/2)

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsS, M
  • duration1 hour

a piece of paper or similar

You magically fold and animate a tiny piece of paper or similiar material (such as a leaf) within range. The following shapes cannot directly cause harm, they have an AC of 11 and are destroyed after taking 1hp of damage.

Boat. The boat floats on and is not destroyed by water. When placed in water, you can mentally direct the boat to move in any direction along the water's surface, at a speed of 5 feet per round. The boat is able to carry a single Tiny object that weighs 1 pound or less. Bird. The bird has a fly speed of 10 feet. You can mentally direct the bird to move, or name a location within 1 mile that you know of. The bird will fly to the location and land, becoming inert. Dog. The dog has a movement speed of 10 feet. You can mentally direct the dog to move, or tell it to stay until triggered or the spell expires. If a creature moves to within 10 feet of the dog, it gives off a loud barking noise audible to 60ft for one round. Once the round is over, the dog unfolds itself and becomes inert. Flower. The flower is controlled by the time of day. It points towards the closest orbiting star in the sky, its petals open to signify daytime, and close when the star dips below the horizon. Polyhedron. The paper folds itself into the shape of a platonic solid of your choice. The shape may form around a tiny object without displaying any obvious means of opening.
Cantrip Upgrade: You may add one additional instance of a Paper Shape at levels 5th, 11th, and 17th.

Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Wizard Transmutation cantrip